Pencak Silat Setia Hati founded by Ki Ngabehi Soeromihardjo (Grandmother Suro) in 1903 in Kampoeng
Gringsing Tambak, Surabaya. Previous martial arts stream named stream Djojo Gendilo Cipto Muljo.
Then Grandmother Suro founded
college silat named Fraternity Winongo Faithful Heart Village, Madiun in 1917
At first, college silat Setia Hati is only in Madiun, located in Jalan Gajah Mada
No. 41. People know him as SH Panti. The residence belonged to Grandmother Suro is used as
as a martial arts education Setia Hati. In 1922, pioneers of independence hero during 1
883 - 1952 ie Ki Hadjar Hardjo Utomo develop the science of martial arts Faithful Heart by name Pencak Silat
Club (P.S.C) which later changed the name of the Young Faithful Heart (S.H.M) Grandmother permission of Suro. In 1948,
This martial arts organization called the Brotherhood official Terate Faithful Heart (PSHT)
Gringsing Tambak, Surabaya. Previous martial arts stream named stream Djojo Gendilo Cipto Muljo.
Then Grandmother Suro founded
college silat named Fraternity Winongo Faithful Heart Village, Madiun in 1917
At first, college silat Setia Hati is only in Madiun, located in Jalan Gajah Mada
No. 41. People know him as SH Panti. The residence belonged to Grandmother Suro is used as
as a martial arts education Setia Hati. In 1922, pioneers of independence hero during 1
883 - 1952 ie Ki Hadjar Hardjo Utomo develop the science of martial arts Faithful Heart by name Pencak Silat
Club (P.S.C) which later changed the name of the Young Faithful Heart (S.H.M) Grandmother permission of Suro. In 1948,
This martial arts organization called the Brotherhood official Terate Faithful Heart (PSHT)
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