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Fractal Bits

Alexander Zolotov
4.7 out of 5
1,000+ downloads

About Fractal Bits

Fractal Bits is a drum synth with over four billion unique sounds created by fractal algorithms.
Each set of 12 drums corresponds to a code of 8 characters (you can save/copy/paste it as plain text).

* search for new sounds with three buttons: next random set, edit code, previous set;
* three types of keyboards for live drumming: on-screen buttons, PC keyboard, USB MIDI input (Android 6+);
* six additional processing parameters + control of all parameters via MIDI;
* real-time audio recording to WAV (32-bit);
* export to: WAV (one file or a set), SunVox (samples + effects in one file), text clipboard;
* the LCK button freezes individual drums - they will not change during the search for new sets.

Known solutions for some problems:

Fractal Bits Screenshots