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Quantum VJ HD

Alexander Zolotov
4.6 out of 5
500+ downloads

About Quantum VJ HD

Quantum VJ HD is a simple glitch-style audio visualizer. It can receive sound from the microphone or from the Line-in port (depends on the system settings). Sound will be converted to the graphic elements byte by byte. The final video can be mixed with the camera stream in real time.
The app is also available for Windows, Linux, macOS and iOS.

[ Multitouch control ]
(pair of parameters for each new touch)
1st Touch - changing the Mode (horizontally) and the Power (vertically) parameters.
2nd Touch - changing the Color (horizontally) and the Noise (vertically) parameters.
3rd Touch - changing the Camera (horizontally) and the Resolution (vertically) parameters.
4th Touch - changing the Brightness (horizontally) and the Speed (vertically) parameters.
Press on the top left corner to hide/show the control panel (fullscreen mode ON/OFF).

Known solutions for some problems:

Quantum VJ HD Screenshots