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Кручение вала

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About Кручение вала

In addition to the fact that the structure can contract, stretch and bend, it can also twist. Especially for these purposes, this calculation of the torsion shaft is written. Using this calculation, you can determine how much the shaft twists and the maximum tangential stresses that occur in the section.

Operating procedure:
1. In the "Add Land" section, specify the following data:
a. The length of the plot in "mm"
b. Section section, 4 to choose from (circle, round pipe, square and profile pipe)
c. Sectional geometric characteristics (diameter / width / wall thickness)
d. Click "Add Land"
2. In the "Add a moment" section, specify the following data:
a. Type of moment (concentrated or distributed)
b. The value of the moment in "N * mm" (concentrated) or in "N" (distributed)
c. Distance from termination to moment
3. Set the shaft material (steel, wood, or you can set your own material, knowing the shear modulus G and the allowable shear stress j in "MPa")

The result will be shown below in the form of diagrams of moments, a graph of the angle of rotation and stresses acting in the section. Also under the graph will be a summary result for the given source data.

For reference:
- the value of the distributed moment is set per meter of the beam length (for example, if you set a value of 25,000 N with a length from 1,500 to 3,500 mm of the beam, the final value of the moment will be 50,000 N)
- in the tables you can change the already set values ​​of the beam sections and moments
- the values ​​of the shear modulus G and the maximum allowable shear stresses j are rounded to simplify the calculation, therefore, to more accurately determine the twist angle and shear stresses, specify the shear modulus and shear stresses yourself

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