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Дрессировка собак и воспитание

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About Дрессировка собак и воспитание

The dog training application will help in raising your pet.

Susceptibility to training exists due to the innate instincts of the animal. The food reflex is the basis of education and training. Dogs have an innate sense of orientation in space. With age, a protective and reproductive reflex are added to the two congenital ones. Dog training uses the hereditary inclinations of the breed. The work of the central nervous system of different breeds is different. Even puppies of the same litter differ in the speed of perception and reaction.

The behavior of the dog depends on the weather, the state of the body and the trainer (owner). To encourage the correct execution of commands, the owner gives the dog a treat, smoothes it, caresses it with his hand and says “good”.

The command can be a gesture, a signal, and a smell. The combination of command and encouragement, for a correctly completed task, develops a conditioned reflex in the dog. Constant repetition of the task will firmly fix the reflex. The command is primary, a delicacy only after a correctly completed task. Gradually, the task is complicated, the command is preceded by a gesture or a whistle. Over time, it will be possible to use just a whistle.

💡 Dog training involves complete trust and affection between a person and a dog. Do not overdo it with treats. An overstuffed dog is unlikely to be able to follow commands well.

The treat is given in limited quantities and only for educational purposes. Dog training should be carried out humanely, without pressure and humiliation. If the first time the command did not work out or it turned out wrong, you should not punish the animal physically. The dog's miss is not encouraged, but ignored. The grossest mistake is to strike with a hand intended (in the understanding of the dog) for affection. You can not beat the leash, this is an attribute of a walk. A frightened, broken animal that does not receive affection and love from the closest person in the world is a sad sight.

✨ It is desirable to practice skills with a dog in a quiet, deserted place. First, you need to take your dog for a walk. Good physical activity will reduce the energy of the dog, and he will be able to focus on the owner and his ideas.
Voice, tone, intonation, strength of sound, sincerity are very important in the process. A dog cannot understand the meaning of human speech (a sincere delusion of most of mankind). She is able to catch the slightest note of falsehood, anger, aggression. Changes in the timbre of the voice and facial expressions of the owner will tell the animal much more than the dialogue to the interlocutors.

⚡ Download the Dog Training app to learn more 👍

✨ Tasks are given calmly, with a hint of an order in your voice. Encouragement is expressed affectionately, mistakes suggest a threat in the tone of voice, but not a shout. The owner's gestures should not frighten the pet. Classes are conducted by one person. Pets may know commands and apply as needed, but team training with a dog is inappropriate.

✨ Each lesson contains a specific task - working out a separate element. Drawing up a plan takes into account the nature of the pet and the behavior of the breed. Command execution is brought to automaticity. Learning the next position in the list of commands only after the previous one has been executed.

✨ Dog training involves repeating learned commands in different sequences to avoid automatic execution of the entire set on the first command. Gestures, intonation, words, clarity and uniformity of the team cannot be changed. Every action, correctly performed, must be encouraged.

Overtraining in training is very harmful, as it can fundamentally harm the desire to exercise and the health of the dog.

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