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Комнатные цветы и растения

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About Комнатные цветы и растения

People have different attitudes towards indoor plants. For some, there are a lot of plants in the room, more comfort and dress. For others, indoor plants are "absorbers" of oxygen needed by humans. There is simply no need for extremes, everything is good in moderation.

Indoor plants are the decoration of our life and the creation of comfort. Plants purify the air, they absorb the dust contained in it, increase the humidity in the room.

Phytoncides secreted by lemon trees, thuja, aloe, geraniums, roses, begonia, ivy, cacti, asparagus kill bacteria. The air becomes fresher from the essential oils that plants emit. Flies, moths and mosquitoes disappear from the smell of nettles (plectranus), therefore its second name is fly-eater. Plants don't make the air worse. Indeed, from 20 plants, only 1/30 of the carbon dioxide is released from the volume of gas released by one person for the same time.

How many plants is it advisable to keep in an apartment? We have to see in other houses how on the window sills in several tiers shelves lined with flowers are piled up, and on the sides of the window openings, craftsmen have adapted fluorescent lamps. The flowers were taken care of, but they forgot about themselves and family members. In such a room it is constantly semi-dark. And light is necessary not only for colors, but also for people. The main thing that can be advised to everyone is not to chase after the number of plants, rationally use the volume of the room.

It is best to place flowers on shelves, on walls near windows. You can use lightweight, comfortable, portable stands. Light-loving plants can be placed on windowsills. But keep in mind: they should not shade the window opening too much.

For plants to thrive and fulfill their air purification mission, the leaves must be clean. Unwashed leaves and stems, on the contrary, become sources of dust. Therefore, the flowers need to be washed periodically.

And we must not forget about individual plant intolerance. For some, touching, for example, geranium, calendula, primrose, causes allergic dermatitis or eczema. For most people, plants that produce essential oils are harmless. However, sometimes they can cause a headache, and in patients with bronchial asthma, provoke an attack. In all these cases, the culprits must be immediately removed from the apartment.

To grow, bloom and maintain their good shape, indoor plants need more maintenance than those in the garden.

If not fed regularly, the soil can become too nutrient-poor and flowers are at greater risk of disease and pest attacks. Dry air, insufficient lighting, lack of fresh air and trace elements can disrupt their growth and even lead to death.

Here are some tips to help keep flowers in bloom:

Banana peel for beautiful flowering. The potassium in the banana peel results in a richer petal color. Dry the banana peel in the oven at 80 degrees for about 10 minutes. After cooling down, strain and feed the houseplants with the resulting fertilizer.

Keeping soil moisture in summer

Water evaporates quickly in summer, but this process can be slowed down by putting walnut and hazelnut shells in a pot. Accelerate growth with red wine sediment. Dissolve the sediment from the wine bottle with half a glass of water and pour it over the soil. The wine contains disinfectants as well as those that act as fertilizers - accelerate growth and stimulate flowering.

Top dressing with potato broth
Let the water in which you boiled the potatoes cool, then pour it over the flowers. Potatoes are rich in starch, which gives plants energy and accelerates their growth. Rice water works in a similar way.

Fertilization and prevention with tea
Empty the contents of the tea bag into the soil. Beneficial trace elements will nourish plants and protect them from pests.

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