Sometimes experienced summer residents with long experience give advice to novice lovers to grow plants on their site. Maybe many years ago, their wisdom could have come in handy, but nowadays you can easily dispel these myths.
⚡ Download the application gardening cottage and vegetable garden to learn more & nbsp; 👍
1. Lunar landing
One of the most harmless delusions is to land strictly according to the lunar calendar. Of course, nothing bad will happen if you sow the greens according to `` good. '' day, but if you blindly follow what is printed on the clever brochure, you can miss a truly auspicious time. Therefore, it is best to monitor the weather outside the window and trust your own intuition and follow the advice from our Gardening Cottage and Vegetable Garden application.
2. Abundance of fertilizers
Inexperienced novice summer residents are sure that their tomatoes or eggplants do not grow well or bear fruit due to a lack of feeding. Therefore, when planting and growing, they generously and randomly add fertilizer. But there are some secrets here too. First, it is better to use root stimulants to strengthen the root system. Two weeks after planting seedlings or after germination, it is worth using nitrogen fertilization for better growth.
3. Nails in fruit trees
Hammering a couple of nails above the grafting site is perhaps one of the inhumane ways to make fruit trees bear fruit abundantly. This method puts the plants under stress. Their growth is halted, while nutrients are forcibly sent to the development of the kidneys. If the tree bears little fruit, it is necessary to feed it with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer, scatter wood ash under the roots and irrigate the foliage with copper sulfate. The application & quot; Gardening, cottage and vegetable garden & quot; & nbsp; strongly discourages doing this!
4. Manure & ndash; it is a panacea
For some reason, it is believed that manure is the best way to get a rich harvest in the country or in the garden. It turns out that this is not entirely true. In addition to the nutrients contained in the manure, weed seeds and various bacteria are stored in it, which, when they enter the soil, actively grow and develop. At its core, manure is a fermented herb that is processed in the stomach of the animal and released as a `` fertilizer. '' Manure can be replaced with green dressing: (nettles, green manure, sod flooded with water and stand for several days).
5. Tea bags to help
Lovers of growing flowers at their summer cottage love to feed their plants with sleeping tea. This is a misconception, since the old tea leaves are of no use, but only attracts midges to the flowers, which can ruin the most beautiful flowers.
6. Dangerous neighborhood of cucumbers and tomatoes
It is believed that the nightshade and pumpkin families do not get along next to each other, due to the fact that tomatoes like warmth, and cucumbers prefer moisture. But nothing terrible will happen if these cultures grow side by side. A drop in harvest will definitely not happen.
7. Only folk remedies
It is believed that special fertilizers from stores are harmful to vegetables. Therefore, summer residents use only folk remedies: iodine, soda, yeast, banana peels, eggshells, without thinking about what can harm the plants. Do not forget that professionals worked on the fertilizers that are offered for sale, carefully developing and testing each component.
⚡ Download the application gardening cottage and vegetable garden to learn more & nbsp; 👍
1. Lunar landing
One of the most harmless delusions is to land strictly according to the lunar calendar. Of course, nothing bad will happen if you sow the greens according to `` good. '' day, but if you blindly follow what is printed on the clever brochure, you can miss a truly auspicious time. Therefore, it is best to monitor the weather outside the window and trust your own intuition and follow the advice from our Gardening Cottage and Vegetable Garden application.
2. Abundance of fertilizers
Inexperienced novice summer residents are sure that their tomatoes or eggplants do not grow well or bear fruit due to a lack of feeding. Therefore, when planting and growing, they generously and randomly add fertilizer. But there are some secrets here too. First, it is better to use root stimulants to strengthen the root system. Two weeks after planting seedlings or after germination, it is worth using nitrogen fertilization for better growth.
3. Nails in fruit trees
Hammering a couple of nails above the grafting site is perhaps one of the inhumane ways to make fruit trees bear fruit abundantly. This method puts the plants under stress. Their growth is halted, while nutrients are forcibly sent to the development of the kidneys. If the tree bears little fruit, it is necessary to feed it with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer, scatter wood ash under the roots and irrigate the foliage with copper sulfate. The application & quot; Gardening, cottage and vegetable garden & quot; & nbsp; strongly discourages doing this!
4. Manure & ndash; it is a panacea
For some reason, it is believed that manure is the best way to get a rich harvest in the country or in the garden. It turns out that this is not entirely true. In addition to the nutrients contained in the manure, weed seeds and various bacteria are stored in it, which, when they enter the soil, actively grow and develop. At its core, manure is a fermented herb that is processed in the stomach of the animal and released as a `` fertilizer. '' Manure can be replaced with green dressing: (nettles, green manure, sod flooded with water and stand for several days).
5. Tea bags to help
Lovers of growing flowers at their summer cottage love to feed their plants with sleeping tea. This is a misconception, since the old tea leaves are of no use, but only attracts midges to the flowers, which can ruin the most beautiful flowers.
6. Dangerous neighborhood of cucumbers and tomatoes
It is believed that the nightshade and pumpkin families do not get along next to each other, due to the fact that tomatoes like warmth, and cucumbers prefer moisture. But nothing terrible will happen if these cultures grow side by side. A drop in harvest will definitely not happen.
7. Only folk remedies
It is believed that special fertilizers from stores are harmful to vegetables. Therefore, summer residents use only folk remedies: iodine, soda, yeast, banana peels, eggshells, without thinking about what can harm the plants. Do not forget that professionals worked on the fertilizers that are offered for sale, carefully developing and testing each component.
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