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Учебник C++

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About Учебник C++

🚀 C++ tutorial in Russian will help a beginner to master programming skills.
👍 Practical examples and a structured approach will make learning easier and more understandable.


No. 1. Introduction to C and C++ Programming Languages
No. 4. Installing the IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
No. 5. Compiling your first program
No. 6. "Debug" and "Release" configuration modes
No. 8. Program structure
No. 10. Variables, Initialization and Assignment
No. 11. cout, cin and endl
No. 14. Why are functions useful, and how to use them effectively?
No. 15. Local scope
No. 16. Keywords and identifiers
No. 17. Operators in C++ Tutorial
No. 18. Basic code formatting
No. 19. Function Prototype and Forward Declaration
No. 21. header files
No. 22. Preprocessor directives
No. 23. Header guards and #pragma once
No. 24. Name conflict and std namespace
No. 54. using-statements
No. 55. Implicit data type conversion
No. 58. Transfers in
No. 62. Type inference: auto keyword
No. 71. Random number generation
No. 72. Handling invalid user input
No. 75. Fixed Arrays
No. 76. Arrays and Loops in C++ Tutorial
No. 77. Sorting arrays by selection method
No. 78. Multidimensional arrays
No. 79. C-style strings
No. 83. Address arithmetic and array indexing
No. 84. C-style string character constants
No. 85. Dynamic memory allocation
No. 86. Dynamic arrays
No. 91. foreach loop
No. 107. Recursion and Fibonacci numbers
No. 108. Error handling, cerr and exit()
No. 109. assert and static_assert
No. 111. Ellipsis
No. 113. Classes, Objects and Methods
No. 114. Access specifiers public and private
No. 115. Encapsulation, Getters and Setters
No. 116. Constructors
No. 119. Delegating constructors
No. 120. Destructors in C++ Tutorial
No. 129. Measuring the execution time (timing) of the code
No. 141. copy constructor
No. 142. Copy initialization
No. 143. Conversion constructors, explicit and delete keywords
No. 144. Assignment operator overload
No. 145. Shallow and deep copy
No. 146. Types of links between objects
No. 147. Object composition in C++ tutorial
No. 152. std::initializer_list
No. 157. Inheritance and protected access specifier
No. 163. Virtual Functions and Polymorphism
No. 164. override and final modifiers
No. 165. Virtual Destructors and Virtual Assignment
No. 166. Early and Late Bindings
No. 167. Virtual tables in C++ tutorial
No. 176. Non-type parameter in template
No. 184. Uncaught exceptions and catch-all handlers
No. 186. Rethrow Exceptions
No. 187. Functional try block
No. 188. Disadvantages and dangers of using exceptions
No. 189. Smart Pointers and Move Semantics
No. 190. r-value links
No. 191. Move Constructor and Move Assignment Operator
No. 196. Standard Template Library (STL)
Introduction to the std::string_view class
Algorithms in the C++ Standard Library in a tutorial
Static and dynamic libraries
Connecting and Using Libraries in Visual Studio
C++11. Innovations
Exception Specifications and the noexcept Specifier
std::move_if_noexcept function c++ tutorial
Three-Way Comparison Operator
Two new keywords: consteval and constinit
chrono library and time of day
Part #2: Practice C++
What is SFML? Installing SFML
Sprites and Textures
Creation of the game "SameGame", "Tetris", "Sapper", "Fifteen" in C ++ / SFML

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