🚀 CSS tutorial in Russian will help a beginner in mastering the language.
👍 Practical examples and a structured approach will make learning easier and more understandable.
The basics
Preparing the Ground: Let's Talk About HTML
CSS syntax in the tutorial. Connecting external tables. Creating the first style
Exploring Selectors
Part 1. CSS selectors. Tags, classes, IDs, groups
Part 2. Descendant selectors. CSS Pseudo-Classes and Pseudo-Elements
Part 3: CSS Child Selectors Additional pseudo-classes
Part 4: Neighbor and Sibling Selectors
Part 5. Attribute selectors
Part 6. Lesson: Practicing Applying Selectors
CSS Inheritance Tutorial: What It Is and How It Works
Cascading CSS. Style Priorities
Exploring selectors
Work with text
Including CSS fonts. Working with web fonts Google Fonts
Setting the color for text in CSS. Ways to represent colors
Font size in CSS. Units px, %, em
Bold and Italic CSS Tutorial
Uppercase and lowercase letters in CSS: text-transform
Underline, strikethrough text in CSS: text-decoration
Text shadow: CSS text-shadow
Intercharacter, line spacing CSS. Distance between words
Text Alignment in CSS Tutorial: text-align
CSS for lists: list-style and its derivatives
Work with text
Working with blocks
Introduction. Blocks
CSS Margins and Padding: Differences Between Margins and Paddings
Block and inline elements
border property: borders for blocks
Border-radius: Rounded Corners in the CSS Tutorial
box-shadow: shadow for the element
Width and height: determine the dimensions of the element
Box-sizing: control the calculation of width and height
Overflow: Manage Overflow Items
Max-width, max-height, min-width, min-height: the maximum and minimum dimensions of the element
Document flow. float and clear properties
Practice: Making a Responsive Landing Page
Working with blocks
Working with graphics
CSS for the img tag
background-image: set the background image
Relative and absolute file path
Practice: Creating a CSS Photo Gallery
Practice: working with background images
Working with graphics
Links and navigation
Link states in the CSS tutorial. Pseudo classes
Styles for Special Links
CSS sprites
Links and navigation
Multiple transform property values
3D Transforms in CSS Tutorial
CSS3 transition: smooth transitions
CSS3 animation
@keyframes rule
Running an animation: animation-name and animation-duration
Short for animation
Practice: Creating CSS Animations
Tables and Forms
Styling tables with CSS
CSS Styles for Forms
Tables and Forms
CSS markup
Web page width
Block layout
Creating Markup: Basic Rules
Markup with float
Float Problems and Solutions
Layout of adaptive web pages
CSS media queries
Flexible Grids in CSS Tutorial
Responsive images and videos
Introduction to Flexbox
CSS positioning. position property
top, left, bottom, right properties
Z-index: layering elements
Hiding elements with CSS
Briefly about CSS Grid Layout
+MySQL Tutorial
What is MySQL. Database
MySQL database structure
Creating a database in phpMyAdmin
Examples and requests
PHP fetch
Select from two tables in MySQL
Combining queries
Nested selection
The number of records in a MySQL table. Unique entries
Maximum value
Finding a substring in MySQL
Adding multiple entries
Query query optimization
Left join operator in MySQL. Request examples
Database import and export
Registration and authorization on the site in php
Users online in PHP. How to find out who is online
What is a site engine, creating an engine
How to create an admin panel for a website
MySQL users. Creating a user and his rights
Site security. SQL Injection Protection
✔ Download the application "CSS Tutorial in Russian" right now
👍 Practical examples and a structured approach will make learning easier and more understandable.
The basics
Preparing the Ground: Let's Talk About HTML
CSS syntax in the tutorial. Connecting external tables. Creating the first style
Exploring Selectors
Part 1. CSS selectors. Tags, classes, IDs, groups
Part 2. Descendant selectors. CSS Pseudo-Classes and Pseudo-Elements
Part 3: CSS Child Selectors Additional pseudo-classes
Part 4: Neighbor and Sibling Selectors
Part 5. Attribute selectors
Part 6. Lesson: Practicing Applying Selectors
CSS Inheritance Tutorial: What It Is and How It Works
Cascading CSS. Style Priorities
Exploring selectors
Work with text
Including CSS fonts. Working with web fonts Google Fonts
Setting the color for text in CSS. Ways to represent colors
Font size in CSS. Units px, %, em
Bold and Italic CSS Tutorial
Uppercase and lowercase letters in CSS: text-transform
Underline, strikethrough text in CSS: text-decoration
Text shadow: CSS text-shadow
Intercharacter, line spacing CSS. Distance between words
Text Alignment in CSS Tutorial: text-align
CSS for lists: list-style and its derivatives
Work with text
Working with blocks
Introduction. Blocks
CSS Margins and Padding: Differences Between Margins and Paddings
Block and inline elements
border property: borders for blocks
Border-radius: Rounded Corners in the CSS Tutorial
box-shadow: shadow for the element
Width and height: determine the dimensions of the element
Box-sizing: control the calculation of width and height
Overflow: Manage Overflow Items
Max-width, max-height, min-width, min-height: the maximum and minimum dimensions of the element
Document flow. float and clear properties
Practice: Making a Responsive Landing Page
Working with blocks
Working with graphics
CSS for the img tag
background-image: set the background image
Relative and absolute file path
Practice: Creating a CSS Photo Gallery
Practice: working with background images
Working with graphics
Links and navigation
Link states in the CSS tutorial. Pseudo classes
Styles for Special Links
CSS sprites
Links and navigation
Multiple transform property values
3D Transforms in CSS Tutorial
CSS3 transition: smooth transitions
CSS3 animation
@keyframes rule
Running an animation: animation-name and animation-duration
Short for animation
Practice: Creating CSS Animations
Tables and Forms
Styling tables with CSS
CSS Styles for Forms
Tables and Forms
CSS markup
Web page width
Block layout
Creating Markup: Basic Rules
Markup with float
Float Problems and Solutions
Layout of adaptive web pages
CSS media queries
Flexible Grids in CSS Tutorial
Responsive images and videos
Introduction to Flexbox
CSS positioning. position property
top, left, bottom, right properties
Z-index: layering elements
Hiding elements with CSS
Briefly about CSS Grid Layout
+MySQL Tutorial
What is MySQL. Database
MySQL database structure
Creating a database in phpMyAdmin
Examples and requests
PHP fetch
Select from two tables in MySQL
Combining queries
Nested selection
The number of records in a MySQL table. Unique entries
Maximum value
Finding a substring in MySQL
Adding multiple entries
Query query optimization
Left join operator in MySQL. Request examples
Database import and export
Registration and authorization on the site in php
Users online in PHP. How to find out who is online
What is a site engine, creating an engine
How to create an admin panel for a website
MySQL users. Creating a user and his rights
Site security. SQL Injection Protection
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