Curry cultivation can be done by cultivating large leaf and small leaf curry. 1. Seedlings - Seedlings germinate after 3 weeks of planting. The germination period can be reduced by soaking the seeds in water overnight.
The classical name of curry is 'Murraya Koinigi'. This plant is also known as 'Sweet Neem'. Its leaves come face to face with the stalk. They have a distinctive fragrance. It was foggy in winter. This plant can easily survive in all types of climates. This crop can be profitable if grown commercially and with scientific management.
Land, weather:
Can be grown in light, sandy soils to red, black, hard soils. Do not cultivate in non-drained soil. Murmad grows well in rocky soils. Temperate to warm climate nutrients. The wool, however, should be applied properly. 26 to 37 degrees Great increase in temperature.
Large leaf / small leaf curry
Sen Kampa and DWD-1, DW-2, Dharwad Agricultural College have developed more flavor varieties. Large leaf curry has relatively low aroma. The essential oil content is 4 to 5 percent.
Planting method:
Full yielding fruits of good yielding tree should be taken from July to August. Remove seeds from it and use for planting.
Types of cultivation
Seed sprouting: Germinates about 3 weeks after seed sprouting. This germination period can be reduced by soaking the seeds in water overnight. About 20 degrees for germination. Temperature is required. From one seed 2 to 3 seedlings sprout.
The classical name of curry is 'Murraya Koinigi'. This plant is also known as 'Sweet Neem'. Its leaves come face to face with the stalk. They have a distinctive fragrance. It was foggy in winter. This plant can easily survive in all types of climates. This crop can be profitable if grown commercially and with scientific management.
Land, weather:
Can be grown in light, sandy soils to red, black, hard soils. Do not cultivate in non-drained soil. Murmad grows well in rocky soils. Temperate to warm climate nutrients. The wool, however, should be applied properly. 26 to 37 degrees Great increase in temperature.
Large leaf / small leaf curry
Sen Kampa and DWD-1, DW-2, Dharwad Agricultural College have developed more flavor varieties. Large leaf curry has relatively low aroma. The essential oil content is 4 to 5 percent.
Planting method:
Full yielding fruits of good yielding tree should be taken from July to August. Remove seeds from it and use for planting.
Types of cultivation
Seed sprouting: Germinates about 3 weeks after seed sprouting. This germination period can be reduced by soaking the seeds in water overnight. About 20 degrees for germination. Temperature is required. From one seed 2 to 3 seedlings sprout.
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