जांभूळ लागवड #Agrownet™ icon

जांभूळ लागवड #Agrownet™

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About जांभूळ लागवड #Agrownet™


Jambul is a dry evergreen fruit tree with important medicinal properties but is neglected. The fruits are sour, sweet and astringent. Purple seeds, fruits and bark are used for diabetes.


Tropical and temperate climate is good for human beings. It grows well up to 150 m above sea level. As it is a deciduous tree, it grows well in low to high rainfall areas (350 to 2000 mm).


Purple trees grow in all types of soil. These plants grow well in light, fallow to fertile medium black, loamy soils. The soil should be well drained, deep soil. Ground level should be 6 to 7.5.

Type of growth

Purple can be grown by making seedlings from seeds and by filling the eyes with patch method. Dr. Babasaheb Sawant Krishi Vidyapeeth has developed Mridukastha grafting method for propagation of Bahadoli Purple variety.

Planting spacing

Dig 1 X 1 X 1 m pits for planting 10 X 10 m. 100 saplings can be planted per hectare.


Cuttings need to be watered for the first two years after planting. In the first year, water every 10 days in winter and every 5 days in summer. Watering every 15 days in the second year and every 10 days in summer. Only preservative watering should be given in the first year to keep the plants alive.


When filling the pit, fill the bottom with mulch and fill 15 to 20 kg of well decomposed manure + 15-20 kg of Poita soil and 1.5 kg of single super phosphate and the rest with a good soil mixture. In the first year, purple seedlings should be given 1 gram of manure, 200 g of urea, 500 g of single super phosphate and 100 g of muriate of potash. This amount of fertilizer should be increased every year. In 5th year, apply 5 kg of cow dung, 1 kg of urea, 1.5 kg of single super phosphate and 500 g of muriate of potash.


Intercropping can be done for the first 78 years after planting. In the rainy season, marigold, gladiolus or okra, cucumber, cardamom can be grown as vegetables. Aster, Gladiolus, Gallardia etc. in winter. Cauliflower, Shravani Ghewda, Chawli, Eggplant, Tomato, Chilli etc. Vegetable crops can be grown.

Harvesting of fruits

If purple is planted from seedlings, it usually bears fruit after 8-9 years. If planted from cuttings, production starts from the seventh year. Fruits should be sent to the market in bamboo baskets or box boxes


A full grown tree (after 8-10 years) yields 50 to 100 kg of fruit.

Pest and disease control

Bark-eating larvae - Initially, the larvae feed on the bark of the tree and then dig holes and penetrate the branches or main trunk. This weakens the tree and reduces the yield of the plant. To control this pest, pour about 5 ml of kerosene or petrol in the hole in the branch or trunk and fill the hole with wet sticky soil. Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during September-October and February-March.
Fruits - Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during fruiting. Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during June-July. For control, remove the infested fruits from the garden and fill deep. Dig a little deeper under the tree so that the larvae will be killed by the birds. In the garden, Kamgandh traps should be planted at 4 to 6 equal spacing per hectare.
Diseases -

The disease is caused by the fungus Glomeralla singulata - leaf spot and fruit fungus. Creamy gray or reddish-gray spots are found on the affected leaves. Infected fruits rot and wither. To control this disease, spray Diazen Z-78, 2 g / liter in water or Bordeaux mixture of 4: 4: 50 intensity when there are no fruits on the plant or after holding the fruit.

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