पेरू लागवड #Agrownet™ icon

पेरू लागवड #Agrownet™

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About पेरू लागवड #Agrownet™

Guava is grown mainly in tropical and subtropical regions. This crop grows well in regions with maximum temperature range. Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during high rainfall and humid climates.


The crop should be grown in well drained, light to medium soils. Depth of soil to a pan, which impedes rooting. Avoid cultivating this crop in calcareous or non-drained soils.

1) Conventional method: In this method of land

6 x 6 m by design. At a distance of 60 x 60 x 60 cm. I Consider shaped stones. While filling these stones, 15 to 20 kg of well decomposed cow dung, 5o0 gms of single super phosphate, 5 gms of folidol powder and soil should be filled and the seedlings should be planted.

2) Solid planting: In this method 3 × 2 m spacing of 5o × 5o × 50 cm. Take shaped stones. It should be mixed with 5 to 10 kg of well decomposed manure, half a kg of single super phosphate, 2.5 g of Azotobacter, 25 g of PSB, 25 g of Trichoderma powder and 5 g of Folidol powder in Poita soil.
Introduction: The adult fly is similar to the home fly but smaller in size i.e. 5 to 6 mm. Is long. The hind part of the fly is angular and dark in color and the wings are straight and long. The larvae of this fly do not have legs. The feathers are white and 10 to 12 mm long but tapering towards the mouth. In the treasury they are in the soil. Adult flies are 2 to 3 mm in semi-ripe fruit. Lay the eggs one by one deep. A fly usually lays 1o0 to 150 eggs. In 2 to 3 days, the larvae hatch from the eggs and eat the fruit. As a result, the fruit rots and falls off where the eggs are laid. Depending on the temperature of these larvae, after 5 to 20 days, 10 to 15 cm. Depth of soil to a pan, which impedes rooting. Adult flies usually hatch in 8 to 10 days. Generally, several generations are formed in a year.


Infected fruits should be picked and buried deep in the soil.
The soil around the plant should be plowed and the methyl parathion powder should be mixed in the soil.
Use methyl eugenol / guard traps (10 to 12 per acre).
20 ml for the care of adult fish. Spray Malathion + 200 gm sludge in 20 liters of water around the garden. Or hang the solution on a tree in a plastic container.
Light pruning should be done to keep the garden clean, plenty of sunlight and fresh air.
Bake the dough
The young and adults of this insect are small, flattened and 3 to 4 mm. It is long and has a waxy white silky cotton-like substance around the body. So the code does not appear at once. The chicks that hatch from the soil climb the tree and reach near the stalks of new leaves and fruits. There they are mostly concentrated in one place near the stalk of the fruit as well as from the back of the fruit. Absorption of fruit juices causes the fruit to shrink without growth; The fruits become crooked.

A) Plowing under trees in summer destroys eggs. Some birds eat and some die from the heat of the sun.

B) Organic Verticillium-40 gm 1oo ml for control of this pest. Mix in milk and spray in 10 liters of water.

C) 30 cm above the ground. The chicks will not climb the tree if a grease bandage is applied on the trunk or a sticky gel is applied.

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