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🌟 Download the app to learn how to get rid of fleas effectively.

As soon as the first rays of the sun begin to break through the gray winter clouds, and thawed patches appear in the snowdrifts, the parasites begin their trip to our pets.

Fleas, ticks, lice, lice are ectoparasites, which, like our dogs and cats, love warmth. Getting to visit pets, they can bring a lot of trouble, so the best option for a caring owner would be timely prevention of infection of the pet with the listed parasites.

⛔ If you notice that the dog or cat itches more than usual (especially in the neck, abdomen, inner paws, and also in places where the skin is thin and moist), you have a problem in the form of fleas.

🐶 Fleas in dogs
😺 Fleas in cats
😷 How to recognize and treat
😣 Fleas in humans

The few insects that you notice jumping on the fur of a dog or cat represent a maximum of 10% of the total. A flea can lay up to 50 eggs per day, or up to 2,000 per life, and the entire development cycle of a flea lasts about 2 weeks.

👉 The most common disease that can catch your pet is flea allergic dermatitis caused by the saliva of a flea. The symptom of this ailment is severe itching, due to which the animals scratch themselves, sometimes until they bleed.

😣 Also, fleas are carriers of many diseases (by absorbing blood from different hosts, they can transmit microscopic pathogens - viruses and bacteria to dogs and people), as well as helminths (worms), for example, cucumber tapeworm, which, when swallowed by a dog, a flea settles in the intestines of the animal.

👉 It must be remembered that if fleas are on the body of a dog or cat, then they must be present in the habitats of animals (booth, sleeping place, carpets, upholstered furniture), therefore, it is necessary to treat both pets and their household items with antiparasitic agents.

How to deal with fleas?

Nowadays, there is a huge selection of drugs and remedies aimed at preventing and treating flea infections. If this is your first time encountering this problem, then it is best to contact your veterinarian who will help you navigate among the abundance of drugs and funds.

There are several options for flea control drugs:

⭐1. Flea and tick collars. They are very popular. They are not removed from dogs and cats throughout the spring-summer-autumn period, or they are changed every few months (depending on the manufacturer). The most popular now are collars from fleas and ticks for dogs and cats by the German company Bayer (Kiltix, Bolfo), the French company Intervet Scalibor, the Dutch company Beaphar, the American company Hartz, and the French company Virbac.

⭐2. Drops on the withers (spot-on) are a popular flea remedy that protects the animal's body from one to several months. The drops can be absorbed either into the blood or into the subcutaneous tissue, depending on the manufacturer.

⭐3. Flea and tick sprays are effective, especially for long-haired dog and cat breeds. Also, the spray is indicated for the treatment of animal habitats. The most common parasite control spray now available is Merial Frontline and Bayer Bolfo.
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