In Arabic, the word "sura" means "degree", "place". And sura as a religious term is a set of verses with a beginning and an end. That is, a surah is a part of the Qur'an that consists of a set of several or many verses. There are one hundred and fourteen suras in the Qur'an. The number of verses in these suras varies. The shortest Surah Kawthar consists of three verses, the longest Surah Al-Baqara consists of two hundred and eighty-six verses, and most of the verses in Surat al-Baqara are long, and the longest verse in the Qur'an is in this Surah. Just as the secret of the diversity of the verses of the Qur'an is revealed to Allah alone, so the secret of the fact that some suras are short, some are medium and some are long is revealed to Allah.
Benefits of knowing the suras of the Quran:
1. The Quran helps to learn and memorize quickly. It would be difficult to learn and memorize the Qur'an if it were not divided into suras and continued with each other.
2. The story, which is the main word in each sura, helps to quickly determine the sentence. For example, the story of the cow between Moses and his congregation is contained in Surat al-Baqara.
3. It proves that all the suras of the Qur'an, regardless of their length or brevity, are miracles.
4. A person who memorizes several surahs of the Qur'an feels as if he has achieved a part of the Book of Allah. This feeling energizes a person and motivates him to memorize other suras.
Therefore, Anas ibn Malik (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “Whoever recited al-Baqarah and al-Imran was among us.” Types of Surahs Scholars have divided the Surahs in the Holy Quran into four types. They are: tual (long), miun (hundred), masani (repetitive) and mufassal (disassembled).
1. Tiwal (long) suras include the seven longest suras in the Holy Quran. They are: Surat al-Baqara, Ali Imran, Surat al-Nisa ', Surat al-Ma'ida, Surat al-Angham, Surat al-A'raf and Surat al-Anfal. However, there are scholars who do not consider the last surah to be a tual surah.
2. Miun (hundred) suras include suras in which the number of verses reaches one hundred or so.
3. Masani (recurring) suras include suras that have less than a hundred verses and follow miun (hundred) suras. These suras are called masani, that is, repetitive suras, because they are read more often than long and hundred suras.
4. Detailed suras include suras in which the number of verses at the end of the Holy Quran is short. Among the suras that belong to this group, it is called "mufassal", ie "much fragmented", because it often comes with "Basmala". Detailed suras are also called "firm". There is no consensus among scholars as to which surah begins in detail. Some scholars say that it begins with Surat al-Qaf, while others say that it begins with Surat al-Hujurat. Detailed suras are divided into three types: long, medium and short. The long mufassal includes suras from Surat al-Hujurat to Surat al-Buruj, the medium mufass includes suras from Surat al-Tariq to Surat al-Bayyinah, and the sufasal suras include suras from Zilzala to Surat an-Nas.
Benefits of knowing the suras of the Quran:
1. The Quran helps to learn and memorize quickly. It would be difficult to learn and memorize the Qur'an if it were not divided into suras and continued with each other.
2. The story, which is the main word in each sura, helps to quickly determine the sentence. For example, the story of the cow between Moses and his congregation is contained in Surat al-Baqara.
3. It proves that all the suras of the Qur'an, regardless of their length or brevity, are miracles.
4. A person who memorizes several surahs of the Qur'an feels as if he has achieved a part of the Book of Allah. This feeling energizes a person and motivates him to memorize other suras.
Therefore, Anas ibn Malik (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “Whoever recited al-Baqarah and al-Imran was among us.” Types of Surahs Scholars have divided the Surahs in the Holy Quran into four types. They are: tual (long), miun (hundred), masani (repetitive) and mufassal (disassembled).
1. Tiwal (long) suras include the seven longest suras in the Holy Quran. They are: Surat al-Baqara, Ali Imran, Surat al-Nisa ', Surat al-Ma'ida, Surat al-Angham, Surat al-A'raf and Surat al-Anfal. However, there are scholars who do not consider the last surah to be a tual surah.
2. Miun (hundred) suras include suras in which the number of verses reaches one hundred or so.
3. Masani (recurring) suras include suras that have less than a hundred verses and follow miun (hundred) suras. These suras are called masani, that is, repetitive suras, because they are read more often than long and hundred suras.
4. Detailed suras include suras in which the number of verses at the end of the Holy Quran is short. Among the suras that belong to this group, it is called "mufassal", ie "much fragmented", because it often comes with "Basmala". Detailed suras are also called "firm". There is no consensus among scholars as to which surah begins in detail. Some scholars say that it begins with Surat al-Qaf, while others say that it begins with Surat al-Hujurat. Detailed suras are divided into three types: long, medium and short. The long mufassal includes suras from Surat al-Hujurat to Surat al-Buruj, the medium mufass includes suras from Surat al-Tariq to Surat al-Bayyinah, and the sufasal suras include suras from Zilzala to Surat an-Nas.
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