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Қиямет және Ахирет

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About Қиямет және Ахирет

Allahu ta'ala shows compassion to all mankind in the world and creates useful things. He explained how all people should act so that they can live happily and happily in this world and in the hereafter. He forgives those believers who should go to hell in the hereafter, and admits them to heaven. It is He alone who created all beings, sustains all existence in every moment, protects all from fear and terror. We start writing this book by praying to this holy name of Allah.

Praise be to Allahu ta'ala! Thank you for the blessings and good things that he gave! Any person at any time, in any place, to any person, for any reason, in any way, praises (thanks, thanks), all these praises and thanks are given to Allahu ta'ala. Because He is the one who created everything, raised it, perfected it, made various good things. Only He has power. No one can do good or bad if He does not remind. After the slave wants, no one can do good or bad to anyone until He also wants, gives power and opportunity.

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