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The Iliad is a Greek epic, traditionally attributed to Homer. Composed of fingerprint hexameters, it consists of 24 songs and its plot lies in Achilles' anger. The Iliad narrates the events that took place during 51 days in the tenth and final year of the Trojan War. The title of the work derives from the Greek name of Troy, Ιlion.
Both the Iliad and the Odyssey were considered by the Greeks of the classical era and by later generations as the most important compositions in the literature of Ancient Greece and were used as foundations of Greek pedagogy.
They are generally attributed to the same poet, Homer, who is estimated to have lived in the eighth century BC. C., in Ionia (now Turkey region). However, its authorship is discussed, and even Homer's own existence, as well as the possibility that both works have been composed by the same person. The twentieth century has not closed that debate, but the most common dating of the work refers to the eighth century BC. C.
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The Iliad is a Greek epic, traditionally attributed to Homer. Composed of fingerprint hexameters, it consists of 24 songs and its plot lies in Achilles' anger. The Iliad narrates the events that took place during 51 days in the tenth and final year of the Trojan War. The title of the work derives from the Greek name of Troy, Ιlion.
Both the Iliad and the Odyssey were considered by the Greeks of the classical era and by later generations as the most important compositions in the literature of Ancient Greece and were used as foundations of Greek pedagogy.
They are generally attributed to the same poet, Homer, who is estimated to have lived in the eighth century BC. C., in Ionia (now Turkey region). However, its authorship is discussed, and even Homer's own existence, as well as the possibility that both works have been composed by the same person. The twentieth century has not closed that debate, but the most common dating of the work refers to the eighth century BC. C.
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- Configurable font size and type.
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- Configurable font color and background.
- Configure screen so that it does not turn off while reading.
- Sound when changing pages.
- Interactive index.
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