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Рамазан және тақуалық

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About Рамазан және тақуалық

Fasting (Arabic: "as-saum" - abstinence, abstinence from evil, Persian "uraza" - daily) - fasting during the day, the third of the five basic duties of Islam.
A person who fasts abstains from eating, drinking, and other things that break the fast from dawn to dusk.
It is obligatory for Muslims to fast during the month of Ramadan. “Ramadan is the month in which the Qur'an was revealed as a guide to people, a distinction between black and white, and a proof of strong consumption. Anyone who sees the birth of Ramadan should fast. If anyone is sick or traveling, let him go on another day. Allah wants ease for you and does not want hardship for you ”(al-Baqarah 2: 187). Since fasting is a conditional act of worship, the Shari'ah stipulates who is obliged to perform it as a duty or who is exempt from it, the conditions of its acceptance or non-acceptance, and the conditions under which it can be violated or not. There are many hadiths that say that fasting is an act of worship that promotes spiritual and intellectual growth, piety and closeness to God. Fasting is a form of worship that allows a person to restrain his nafs, to grow spiritually, to get rid of bad habits, and to cultivate artistic character.
Kazakh traditional society has good traditions related to the observance of fasting, which are associated with Islamic literature and the way of life of the people. In order to fulfill the mustahab of fasting in accordance with the commandments of the Prophet (there is no reward if he does it, there is no sin if he does not do it). During the month of Ramadan, it has become a tradition to invite each other to a "feast". The hadiths set out the basic conditions for a Muslim to educate himself and form his behavior during fasting. It is better for a person with a strong mouth to abstain from idle talk and inappropriate actions, to refrain from evil deeds, to increase his worship, to spend his free time in deepening the teachings of religion, and to recite zikr and salawat. These are also ways to increase the reward of fasting. The benefits of fasting in society are increased understanding and kindness between the Creator and man, people and the world. People understand the value of food, and there is a connection between rich and poor. In addition to the obligatory fasts, there are obligatory, sunnat, mustahab, mandup, nafil and makru fasts. If the fast is broken for a specific reason, it is permissible to make up for it, and if the fast is intentionally broken for no reason, the expiatory fast is used.

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